4:30 PM I 4F PBS, U.N. Avenue, Manila


We value people even at their young age, because we believe that children should be raised up in the fear and knowledge of God and His Word. We cultivate this atmosphere of raising future leaders out of children in the J12 service, which is designed for kids 12 years old and below. This is based on the story of Jesus in the Bible, when He was 12, He said, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” (Luke 2:49b NKJV).

Children should also have a community where they can interact with people at their same age group to enjoy and at the same time grow spiritually and know God more in their lives. We provide spiritual foundation by teaching the scriptures in Sunday school and J12 Service. By providing activities, doing presentations and involving the kids to service, we unleash their God-given potentials.

Join us every first and third Saturday of the month at 4th Floor, PBS Bldg., U.N. Ave., Manila for our J12 Kids Service at 4:30 PM. Bring along kids you know and watch them grow to their full potential!

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